Monday, November 26, 2007

I'd Spend My $100,000 on Space Tourism

The New York Times just ran a piece pointing out that the because the GOP is having so much trouble raising money from voters, it's seeking out rich candidates who can pay for their own Congressional campaigns. So far, 14 Republican candidates have contributed more than $100,000 of their own money to their own campaigns.

According to the Times, the Democrats' campaign committee has raised $56.6 million and has $29.2 left in the bank. The Republicans' committee has raised $40.7 and has a balance of $2.5 million.

A couple thoughts:

1) If the Democrats can't use this to drive home the point that the Republican party is out of touch with voters who actually work for a living and uninterested in getting back in touch, they deserve to lose all 14 seats.

2) This strikes me really ominous. People shouldn't have to be rich to run for office, and the parties should seek to run a platform that voters can identify with enough to contribute to a campaign.

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At 10:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think those totals speak a lot about fiscal responsibility but I'll be damned if the general voting public will ever understand that having a balanced budget before this administration took over was actually a *good* thing.


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