Monday, May 23, 2005

Viagra for Sex Offenders! (I'm For it.)

Yeah, there's a big flap going on about the fact that 200 convicted sex offenders received Viagra prescrptions, subsidized by Medicaid. It's leading folks to say we're subsidizing rapists.

Take a deep breath, everybody. Take a step back.

Medicaid subsidizes the treatment and drug costs of low income Americans. Now, if you want to say that Viagra shouldn't be covered, that's fine, though the implication then is that rich people should have access to it and that poor folk shouldn't. Still, it's a debate we could have. As it stands now, it's covered.

But to sex offenders? Are you being ludicrous, Mike?

I don't think so. Medicaid isn't supposed to dole out assistance based on a person's criminal history. You don't deny a flu shot to a convicted burglar. Ex-cons are as eligible for Medicaid as any one else, and, yes, ex-cons pay taxes and are still citizens so can expect to be treated like anyone else by a government run program like Medicaid.

And no, the government isn't subsidizing rape, pedophilia or anything like that. It's subsidizing medicine, which is what it's supposed to do.


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